
LaRondelle Biblical Theology Courses is unavailable, but you can change that!

Perhaps no seminary professor in Adventist history has won more respect from evangelical academia than the late Hans K. LaRondelle. This collection presents part two of his lifeworks, brimming with vintage content licensed by Logos from two laptops that he left behind—some of it unpublished material. This section contains a variety of documents relating to biblical theology courses taught by...

Theologians and church denominations must ever be on the alert for the danger that their teachings and doctrines become entangled in or enslaved to some philosophical theory, for the sake of dialogue with the world. Then Christian faith would be substantially changed and the word of God muted. Christian theology needs to be also self-critical of its historic creeds and traditions, always realizing where its only decisive starting point and standard is. The Reformers—Luther, Calvin, Zwingli—radically
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